Soooo what is your Overachieving Archetype?

Take the Healing Beyond Success | Uncovering Your Archetype Quiz NOW to find out.

Whatever your archetype is, we can help you transform your well-heeled façade into a Well-Healed reality so that you can experience more success without being overwhelmed. Embrace a roadmap that integrates emotional intelligence, somatic practices, and practical steps for healing. 

The result will be…More Sales, Serotonin and Sex!!!

    Learn to regulate your emotions and avoid trauma traps.

    Break free from toxic patterns and learn to thrive effortlessly in your business and personal life.

    Address physical and emotional barriers to release anxiety, chronic illness, and limiting beliefs.

SO that you can create more success, without piling more shit on your plate while luxuriating the freedom of being effortlessly ENOUGH.

my services are for you if:

  • You’ve lived your life running from pain and believe that success is your way out.

  • You talk big and walk small, and you’re tired of seeing that impact your bottom line.

  • You’re a high-achieving woman who has experienced sexual abuse/assault or domestic abuse at some time in your past.

  • You have pain (regardless of its source) from yesterday that continues to creep into your today.

  • You’re carrying extra weight that is connected to something deeper than last night’s chocolate cake.

  • You fear that addressing your stuff will cause you to fall apart.

my services are NOT for you if:

  • You are ok with your future looking just like today.

  • You have never felt like a success in any area of your life.

  • You are currently in a domestic violence situation. (If you are, here’s a help number where you can get some support: 800-33HAVEN.)

  • You are not ready to invest financially—and otherwise— in being the best you.

  • You are not willing to let go of your persona in order to discover your authentic self.

  • You believe that 100% of your challenges in life are someone else’s fault.

I have created a range of offerings so whatever your situation, you can find a good fit for you.

This work is not easy or pretty. You must be prepared to roll up your sleeves and get to work. I believe in you. You wouldn’t be reading this right now if you didn’t have it in you. The Universe lead you here so that you could get the breakthrough you needed to live the life you want. And I am here to help you create that new life!

If you see a program that looks amazing but you know that it will strain or break your budget, please choose another offering. Coaching is like yoga, it should stretch you but never hurt! Pain is the Universe’s way of sending a message to stop and make a different choice. I offer many options so that you can find the service that’s right for you right now.

word on the street about heidi


Jameka P.

"Socially paralyzed and emotionally insecure would accurately describe who I was prior to meeting with the life coach who became my dear friend, Heidi. Because of her transparency, empathy and sincere connection, I was able to start the process of trust and healing. The seeds she has planted in my life grow more valuable with every passing year."


Sonia S.

"In coaching, Heidi explains in detail the patterns and mindset that results from traumatic experiences. A lot of people don’t understand “WHY” they are doing what they are doing. Heidi’s insight allows them to see their “WHY” from a fresh and healthy perspective with some directions to make change a reality."


I am on a mission to help overachieving women heal and go from burnout to balance so that they can effortlessly create more sales, serotonin, and sex!

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Heidi Day Coaching